I have seen amazing changes in my son this year and am SURE that a huge part of this is his Teacher’s influence and Pre-Kindergarten Education’s program. He is learning things with you at three that his big cousin is working on in Kindergarten and better still, loves learning. Thank you so much for all that you do! I am so grateful to have you for my child’s teacher. Whether it’s reading logs, or amazing fun days like the Teddy Bear picnic, I know these things mean extra work they do not go unappreciated. Your love for and connection with each child is obvious and the world needs more teachers like you! - Amy

When my daughter comes home she is bursting to speak about Pre-Kindergarten.  That tells me she loves where she is.   She speaks thoughtfully of her Teachers so we know they have made an impact on her. We are really glad that our daughter's introduction to her future world of school and education has been here.  The innovative ideas and crafts that are so age appropriate are wonderful.  We were delighted with the Christmas singing and the lovely Christmas ornament.    WOW!!   We just want to say a huge Thank you for her commitment to our child and the rest of the children in the class. - Jennifer.

I just wanted to let you know how much my daughter still talks about her Teacher.  You have given such an amazing love of learning to my daughter. The other day we were going through the days trying to figure out when she started her new kindergarten and she starts singing "there are 7 days... there are 7 days...." and sang the song. Thanks again for all you did for my daughter! - Megan.

Our daughter has attended your Pre-Kindergarten for the past two years and it has been a wonderful experience.  She has blossomed from a shy 3 year old to a confident 4 year old, who thoroughly enjoys going to school everyday.  I know that the skills and confidence she has gained this year will help her when she starts Kindergarten in the Fall. - Kelly
I wanted to express how thankful we are for our child's Teacher in Out of School Care.  She is professional, caring, funny and so lovely.  We couldn't be more pleased. - Sue
We are very excited about the fall... you have your praises sung everywhere for being a pretty fantastic Teacher. - Katie
I am overwhelmed by today's Mother's Day celebration!  I am truly touched by the effort and thoughtfulness you put into this celebration.  It was so special and something I will never forget! You are doing an outstanding job with the class and the kids and I can't believe how much my child has learned and grown in just a month being with you. - Jody
We are delighted with the preschool...and we are always happy with the different activities, like Butterfield Acres, the Fall Walk and the Library visit.  These are such good educational and learning opportunities planned in a fun way for children. - J & E
I just want to say thank you for what you do.  The Teachers are exceptional!  The program had a significant impact on my kids... there was a lot of change immediately after starting school. - Chep
Thanks for a great field trip today!  My child really enjoyed the pumpkin hunt and proudly showed his pumpkin to everyone he saw.  I really appreciate all the hard work and planning that goes into field trips and I'm glad I got to go along today. - Andrea.
I want to let you know how impressed I am with the Out of School Care this year.  The Staff are amazing and I am so happy to see the care and energy they have for the children. - Joanne.
My child loves your program and is so happy going to school.  Today I volunteered in the classroom and it was touching to see how wonderful my child's Teacher handles all the little children.  What a great nurturing environment!  We couldn't be happier. - Pauline.
My son is not a risk taker and a very reserved little boy who has just finally come out of his shell thanks to his Teacher.  I can't way enough good things about her! - Jody C. 

I really appreciate all effort that you went to to make all us mommas feel special. My son was beyond excited to give me that special present when we got home. I adore it!  Thank you so very much for your kindness. I am very thankful for your time and special care that you give to these little ones!! - Nicole.

We had a wonderful time at the Mother's Day Tea (like always). My kids and nephew their teacher! Everything was so beautiful. Thank you so much for everything you do. You are amazing at what you do :)  - Anon.